Homework Due on Aug 30th, 2015

Asalamu alykom wa rahmatu Allah,
Dear Parents, May you receive this email in the best state of iman and health.  My name is Hanan Abdine. I am blessed with teaching Quranic studies to your kindergarten children this year at the Islamic school of Silicon Valley. May Allah swt make it a great and fruitful year for all of us.  I am very pleased with the students I met this last Sunday. All of them were well behaved and many of them have already memorized some of the surahs that are in our curriculum and know the letters of the Alphabet.
We studied letter Alif and hamzah and they were introduced to the 3 vowels: fatha, dammah and Kasrah. (Ask your children to stand like an alif and show the motion and sound of fatha, dammah and kasrah.)
In shaa Allah, each week we will study one letter of the Alphabet and have a review of what we studied in the previews week. Homework will be assigned each week. You will find it written in the yellow sheet and I will email it each week in shaa Allah.
Homework due 8/30:
Read pages 1 to 7 five times each. Please put tally marks indicating how many times the child has read the pages and sign or initial every page to have credit for the homework. Please do not read all the assigned pages five times in one day; divide them in about 3 to 4 days.
Items students need to bring every week
1. A backpack to put all their books and papers handed in the class.
2. A pencil
3. Their Quranic Studies books signed and tally marked
Jazakum Allahu khayran