Test on Jan 17th, 2016

Below is the study guide for the upcoming test on Sunday January 17th In Shaa Allah. Please ensure that your child is well prepared.

1. What are Akhlaq? (Page 2, sentence 1)
2. What do Islamic Akhlaq teach us? (Page 3, last sentence)
3. What are the two sources of Islamic Akhlaq? (Quran and Sunnah)
4. What are the three basic principals that Islamic Akhlaq is based on? (Tawhid, Risalah and Akhirah, page 7 in We have learned)
5. What is the meaning of Tawhid? (Oneness of Allah)
6. What is the meaning of Risalah? (Mission of the messengers)
7. What is the meaning of Akhirah? (Hereafter)
8. Every blessing that Allah has given us is a ______________. (trust)
9. The purpose of our creation is to _____________ Allah. (serve)
10. A pious child who remembers his parents in Dua and through good deeds is a __________ _________ for the parents. (Sadaqa Jariah)
11. The final ____________ of our work is decided by Allah. (outcome, page 12)
12. What is one way of using our money to thank Allah? (Spend our money in Allah’s path, page 13)
13. Someone who has Taqwa is called a _________ . (Muttaqi)
14. What does a Muttaqi believe in and what are the qualities of a Muttaqi? (answer on page 5 in yellow box)
15. Quran is a book of guidance for anyone who has _________. (Taqwa)
16. _________ is one of the best ways to be a life long learner. (Reading)
17. We should _________ the people of knowledge. (Honor)
18. What is Fitra? (Page 12)
19. Allah gave humans a _________ to know right from wrong. (Fitra)
20. Rasulullah (s) once said, “All good deeds are _________. ” (Sadaqa)
21. It is a big sin in Islam to break a _________ with any family member. (relationship)
22. What were the names of Rasulullah’s (s) foster parents? (Page 24)