Homework Due March 15th,2015

Salam parents and kids,

1. Read and memorize the first five ayas of Surat Al Mauoon. Study the explanation of the ayat too.

Vocabularies are:
الذي ، يكذب ، يدعُّ ، اليتيم ، ولا يحضُّ ، المسكين ، ساهون ، يُرآءون ، يمنعون ، الماعون.

2. From the reading book, page 71 read at least five times and find out all the tajweed rules we learned.
For those who didn’t do page 69,70 they can submit it next time for partial credit.

3. Test for Surat Al Mauoon inshalla on 3/29 inshalla.