Homework Due on May 10th, 2015

Salam parents and kids
Alhamdolillah we are done with everything for this year. We will be practicing reading and applying the tajweed rules we learned through out the year.
I can’t stress enough on the importance of reading. Please encourage your kids to read with you at least one page per day. There is no more HW but we will continue reading inshalla.

Homework Due on Apr 26th, 2015

Salam parents and kids
I want to thank each and every one of you for making today a special one, Jazakom Allaho khairan inshalla. I was surprised by the note the kids wrote me, they really touched my heart.

As for the HW, inshalla we’ll be having a reading test on 4.26.15.
I’ll choose different lines from our reading book. You can practice reading from page 80 and up. The more you read, the better you’ll do inshalla.

For Surat Quraish, please finish memorizing the whole surah.

If your kid missed any test recently, please have him/her ready to take it on the 26. This is their last chance to make it up.

Homework Due Apr 19th, 2015

We started Surat Quraish so please memorize the first 2 or 3 ayas and understand the explanation of them.
For the reading book, read page 84 and 85 five times each. Circle the madd letters and put the number of harakas on top of it. (2 for regular madd letters, 5 when it is followed by hamza and 6 when it is followed by shaddah).

Homework Due Apr 12th, 2015

Salam parents and kids

We had fun today reviewing the whole tajweed rules we learned this year. We are almost done with our reading book.
HW after the spring break is to read page 87 and 88 five times each. Please focus on all the madd we learned.
Circle the madd letters in these two pages and put how much to stretch it 2 or 5 harakas.
For those who were absent today, we covered المد المثقل الكلامي.
This is when a madd letter is followed by a letter that has shaddah. Like in لضآلُّون. In this word we have two madds: the alif: 6 harakas and the waw: 2 harakas.
Start preparing for our last surah this year, Surat Quraish.

Homework Due Mar 29, 2015

Salam parents and kids:
We missed many kids today in class and inshalla they’ll be with us next week.
If your kid missed the test today please have them ready to take it the coming Sunday inshalla.
HW due is:
Read page 79,80,81 five times each and circle lam shamsiyyah, lam qamariyah, madd mutasil and madd munfasil.

Homework Due March 15th,2015

Salam parents and kids,

1. Read and memorize the first five ayas of Surat Al Mauoon. Study the explanation of the ayat too.

Vocabularies are:
الذي ، يكذب ، يدعُّ ، اليتيم ، ولا يحضُّ ، المسكين ، ساهون ، يُرآءون ، يمنعون ، الماعون.

2. From the reading book, page 71 read at least five times and find out all the tajweed rules we learned.
For those who didn’t do page 69,70 they can submit it next time for partial credit.

3. Test for Surat Al Mauoon inshalla on 3/29 inshalla.

Homework Due on Mar 8th, 2015

1. Read page 69 and 70 at least five times each. Find out the rules we learned so far: H, Q, D, HR, SR, LS, LQ and hard lam.

2. Memorize the first two ayas of surat Al Mauoon and read their explanation.

3. If you don’t submit your article for Al Bayyan newsletter by 3/8 you’ll loose your 5%.
Alhamdullilah, many kids submitted theirs today.

Homework Due on Mar 1st, 2015

Mashalla the kids did great in the test today and I’m very proud of them. I just need more efforts from both the parents and the kids with reading please.

Homework on 3/1 is to master reading page 68 only. Kids will be graded on reading this page for accuracy, time, and applying the tajweed rules that we learned so far.
For those of you who didn’t submit the HW (page 64), this is your last chance.

Test: For those of you who missed the test of Surat Al Nas please be ready to take the test this Sunday inshalla.
AlBayan Article: This is a friendly reminder to submit your articles next week.
It is time for our Bayyan article for this semester. Please encourage your kids to include a personal experience in the essay.
I’m giving 5% of the final grade to this participation inshalla.
The essay is due first week of March inshalla.
Please don’t email me your articles. Have them clearly written or printed out.